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Showing posts with the label anatomy of your mouth

Dental Anatomy

The Jaws and Dental Arches The teeth are arranged in upper and lower arches. Those of the upper are called maxillary; those of the lower arch are called mandibular. The mandible is a horseshoe shaped bone which articulates with the skull by way of the temporomandibular joint, or the TMJ. Dentition Dentition is a term that describes all of the upper and lower teeth collectively. Clinically, there are three types of dentitions: The primary dentition consists of 20 teeth in all: ten upper and ten lower. Primary teeth are also called 'baby teeth, deciduous, or 'milk' teeth. Primary teeth begin to appear at about six months and are entirely replaced by permanent teeth by 12 to 13 years of age. The mixed dentition is the stage from ages 6 to 12  and is composed of both primary and permanent teeth. The permanent dentition is composed of 32 teeth in all, 16 upper and 16 lower. Types of dentition Homodont - Teeth that differ from each other only in size....