Dental Terms to Impress Your Dentist Blood vessels - carry nutrients to the tooth. Bone - alveolar bone which forms the tooth socket and provides the tooth with support. Cemento-enamel junction - the line where the enamel and cementum meet. Cementum - thin layer of bone-like tissue covering the root of the tooth. Dentin - the hard yellow tissue underlying the enamel and cementum, making up the bulk of the tooth. Enamel - the hard, white outer layer of the tooth. Gingiva - the gums. Nerves - relay signals such as pain to and from your brain. Periodontal Ligament - the connective tissue which surrounds the tooth and connects it to bone. Pulp - located in the center of the tooth, it contains the blood vessels and nerves. Root canal - canal in the root of the tooth where the nerves and blood vessels pass. Tooth Structure The portion of the tooth visible in the mouth is called the crown. The crown is covered with enamel which is a hard, white,...
Whether you’re considering a cosmetic dental procedure or just looking into ways to improve your overall oral health, you'll find the answers to your dental questions here.