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Showing posts with the label worst foods for cavities

Dental Snack Facts

What foods Are Best For Your Teeth When you serve the occasional sweets, try to combine them with meals. Increased salivary flow during meals aids in neutralizing the damaging effects of sugar. When combined with starches such as toast and cereal, milk will actually neutralize tooth-damaging acid. Avoid soft, sticky sweets which remain on and between tooth surfaces (ie. toffee). Sticky foods that are retained in the mouth longer give bacteria additional time to dine; as a result, they produce more cavity-forming acid. If you can't brush after every snack and/or meal, at least try to rise for a few seconds with water. The key is to cut down on the acidity of the mouth. Avoid giving your child foods rich in sugar that stay in the mouth and prolong the acid attack (ie. hard candy, lollipops, gum). Instead, try offering snacks which are low in sugar. By offering your child a variety of foods such as grains, milk and milk products, meat, vegetables, and fruits you can often a...