How to Avoid Cavities in Your Kid's Teeth Children 6 to 8 Months Avoid using the bottle as a means of comfort. Also, avoid prolonged periods with the bottle in their mouth. The longer the teeth are in contact with sweet or acidic foods or drink, the greater the likelihood of decay. Ideally, water should be given for thirst. Always consider the acidity and sweetness of anything you place inside your child's bottle. Cleaning Teeth - As soon as their first tooth erupts, start cleaning their teeth everyday. Teething - Stay away from using lemon juice on the gums once your teeth begin to emerge. The high acidity will lead to demineralization of the erupting teeth and put your child at an early disadvantage for decay. For more info., see my blog on teething. Pacifiers - Don't dip them in any food stuffs (ie. honey) or liquids. Their first cup - Consider introducing the cup between the ages of 6 to 8 months. Children 18 to 21 Months Ideally, water...
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