Children - Thumb and Finger Sucking Questions often arise concerning infants and non-nutritive sucking, that is sucking thumbs, fingers, pacifiers and other objects. Numerous studies indicate that most children spontaneously discontinue sucking their thumbs and fingers between the ages of 2 and 4. Children often combine a sucking habit with another repetitive activity such as carrying a personal blanket or toy while sucking their thumb or playing with their hair. Tired, stressed or hungry children are more likely to suck their thumbs. Generally, sucking on fingers, thumbs and toys is healthy and normal through infancy . Effects Of Thumb Sucking: The effects of thumb sucking on deciduous teeth are usually totally reversible up until the age of 6 to 7 years when the permanent teeth start to erupt. Beyond the age of 7, dental problems may occur due to changes in bone structure. Extensive sucking of fingers or thumbs has a tendency to push the front teeth out of alignment ca...
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