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Children - Thumb and Finger Sucking

 Children - Thumb and Finger Sucking


Questions often arise concerning infants and non-nutritive sucking, that is sucking thumbs, fingers, pacifiers and other objects. Numerous studies indicate that most children spontaneously discontinue sucking their thumbs and fingers between the ages of 2 and 4. Children often combine a sucking habit with another repetitive activity such as carrying a personal blanket or toy while sucking their thumb or playing with their hair. Tired, stressed or hungry children are more likely to suck their thumbs. Generally, sucking on fingers, thumbs and toys is healthy and normal through infancy .

Effects Of Thumb Sucking:

The effects of thumb sucking on deciduous teeth are usually totally reversible up until the age of 6 to 7 years when the permanent teeth start to erupt. Beyond the age of 7, dental problems may occur due to changes in bone structure. Extensive sucking of fingers or thumbs has a tendency to push the front teeth out of alignment causing teeth to protrude. This may alter the growth of the face and cause an open bite. Preschool children who suck their  thumbs or fingers may develop a lisp. The lisp may also be created by a condition called tongue thrust which is a habit of sealing the mouth for swallowing by thrusting the top of the tongue forward against the lips. Tongue thrust exerts pressure on the front teeth, increasing the likelihood that the teeth will be pushed out of their normal position; thus interfering with the correct pronunciation of certain sounds during speech.

How To Help Children Break The Habit:

Thumb sucking and pacifier use are quite normal for small children and should not concern parents until the child's permanent teeth begin to erupt. Usually most children have given up the habit by this time. Children must make the decision to stop sucking their thumbs or fingers before the habit will cease. Parents and dental clinic staff can assist children to achieve their goal through a variety of methods. Remember, what is effective depends on the child and their situation.

Thumb and Finger Sucking

Tips For Getting Them To Stop:

Using bitter nail solutions or using tape to secure your child’s fingers is often not as not as effective as providing positive reinforcement. Put up a calendar and place a star for each day they successfully avoid the habit. After a certain number of days, reward them with a treat. When they do suck their thumb or use a pacifier, give them a gentle verbal reminder. Avoid using negative reinforcement or punishment; this often causes the child to further embrace the habit. Negative reinforcement is particularly ineffective since thumb sucking and pacifier use are security mechanisms. Punishing a child increases their desire for security and drives them back to the habit. Instead, consider giving them a teddy bear, a blanket, or just lots of affection. If they’re still having a hard time beating the habit, try gradually increasing the number of hours in which they’re not allowed to use the pacifier or suck their thumb. You should continue increasing the number of hours until they’ve been weaned of the habit. Phase out bed time pacifier use last, as this is the time they need it the most.

How Often Should Rewards Be Given?

The younger the child the more frequent the reward must be given. A five to six-year-old may need some special reward after the first difficult night. Reward periods can gradually be stretched out to several nights, a week and eventually a period of 30 nights without sucking. Many children need a number of small rewards before they lose the impulse to suck until they have

Thumb Sucking Versus A Pacifier

Studies have shown that children who suck their thumbs have greater difficulty breaking their habit than do children who use pacifiers.

Can Parents Become Overly Concerned About This?

Yes. Frequent repetition by parents to take the child’s thumb out of their mouth can be counterproductive. If children feel they are being nagged they will become defensive and view parents as the opposition and not an ally.

What Frustrations Do Children Face When They Attempt To Break This Habit?

A child’s first days without sucking their thumb are usually the most difficult. Like all habits, the yearning diminishes slowly and eventually becomes easier. Parents and other family members can offer encouragement and rewards. Family members need to be patient. It may take several attempts before the habit is completely broken.

Lip Sucking

Sucking of the lower lip may occur in isolation or in combination with thumb sucking. When the lower lip is repeatedly held beneath the upper front teeth the result is usually an open bite. As discussed above, stopping the habit relies on the child wanting to stop.

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