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Dental Dictionary

Dental Dictionary

Watch your dentist hit the floor by dropping in some 'dental lingo' the next time you go in for a visit!

ABSCESS -  a local infection. A  Severe decay, periodontal disease, or trauma are causative  factors. It is characterized by swelling and pain. If an abscess ruptures, it  will be accompanied by sudden relief from pain due to a reduction in pressure. A  foul taste may also be noticed.

ABUTMENT - a term used to denote  the teeth on either side of a missing tooth.

ACRYLIC RESIN - the  plastic widely used in dentistry to make dentures.

ACTIVE ERUPTION - the emergence of the tooth from its position in the jaw.

ADHESION - the sticking together of unlike substances

ADJUSTMENT - a modification made upon a dental prosthesis after  it has been completed and inserted into the mouth.

AEROBIC BACTERIA - bacteria which grow in oxygen rich environments; in the oral cavity the  bacteria are found outside the sulcus.

AFFERENT - nerves that  carry sensory messages toward the brain.

AGAR - a gelatin like  substance obtained from seaweed; used in impression materials.

ALGINATE - an impression material used by dentists for making  stone models.

Dental Dictionary (...or, use these terms to impress your dentist)

ALVEOLECTOMY - an operation where portions of the  alveolar bone are removed.

ALVEOLAR BONE - the bone surrounding  the root of the tooth; loss of this bone is typically associated with severe  periodontal disease.

ALVEOLAR CREST - the highest portion of  alveolar bone.

ALVEOLAR EMINENCE - outline of the root on the  facet portion of the bone.

ALVEOLAR PROCESS - the portion of the  mandible or maxilla that surrounds the root of a tooth.

ALVEOLUS - the bony socket in which the root of the tooth sits.

AMALGAM - or silver filling; an alloy in which one of the metals is mercury. Below are the approximate percentages of the component elements:

Mercury Hg 50%

Silver Ag 35%

Tin Sn 13%

Copper Cu 0-3%

Zinc Zn 0-1%

ANAEROBIC BACTERIA - bacteria that do not need oxygen to grow;  they are generally associated with periodontal disease.

ANODONTIA - the developmental absence of teeth.

ANTIBIOTIC - substance  produced by or derived from bacteria which is able to inhibit or kill other  bacteria.

ANTIMICROBIAL - destroying or inhibiting the growth of  bacteria.

ANATOMICAL CROWN - the portion of the tooth that is  covered with enamel.

ANTISCEPTIC - A chemical agent which can be applied to living tissues to destroy germs.

ANESTHESIA - medication which relieves the  sensation of pain.

ANNIVERSARY YEAR - begins on the day of the  month that the patients' insurance became effective.

ANOMALY - a  deviation from the normal or expected outcome.

ANTAGONIST - a  structure that opposes or counteracts another structure.

ANTERIOR - situated in front of.

ANTERIOR TEETH - the front teeth  (incisors and cupids).

ANUG - Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative  Gingivitis. An acute, painful condition characterized by severe gingival  redness, spontaneous bleeding, foul breath and pain.

APEX - the  pointed extremity of a structure.

APICAL FORAMEN - the opening at  the end of the root of a tooth through which the tooth receives its nerve and  blood supply.

APPOSITION - the laying down of, or addition of.

ARCH - a curvature; both the maxillary and mandibular ridge form  a horseshoe shaped arch.

ARTICULATING PAPER - carbon paper;  placed between the upper and lower teeth to mark contact.

ARTICULATOR - a mechanical device used to replicate functional movements of the jaw to  casts.

ASSIGNMENT OF BENEFITS - a clause in an insurance policy  that allows the insured person to direct the carrier's payment to the dentist.

ASPIRATOR - The tube-like straw which the dentist place in your mouth for suction.

ASYMMETRY/ SYMMETRY - To be esthetic, tooth Size, shape and gum contour should be as close to identical from one side of the mouth to the other. Ideally, the incisal edges of your teeth should follow the contour of the upper lip.

ATTACHMENT LEVEL - a numerical measure of the amount of  attachment of the periodontal ligament to a tooth; the number is generally  determined by combining a pocket depth measurement with a measurement of  gingival recession. Attachment level is considered one of the most important  measures of periodontal disease progress or treatment success

ATTRITION - the wearing away of tooth structure through normal  use (ie. chewing, biting, etc.).

AXON - the process that carries  impulses away from the cell body of a nerve.


BENEFIT YEAR - generally begins on the  month of the year that the employer purchased the plan.

BICUSPIDS - or having two cusps. The first and second bicuspids; they are the fourth  and fifth teeth from the center of the mouth, respectively. These are the back  teeth that are used for chewing.

BIFURCATION - having two  branches, or dividing into two parts.

BILATERAL - both sides.

BIRTHDAY RULE - applies when a child is covered under both  parent's plans; the plan of the parent who's birthday (month and day, not year)  falls earlier in the calendar year is billed first (in cases of divorce or  separation, other factors pertain).

BITEWING - a single X-ray  that shows the upper and lower teeth's biting surfaces on the same film.

BLEACHING - cosmetic whitening of teeth using peroxide.

BOLUS - chewed up mass of food and saliva.

BONDING - the covering of a tooth surface to correct stained or damaged teeth.

BRIDGE - a fixed appliance (prosthesis) that replaces missing  teeth. A bridge is a series of attached crowns (abutments and pontics).

BRUXISM - or the grinding of teeth, usually occurs during sleep.

BUCCAL - or pertaining to the cheek.

BUCCINATOR MUSCLE - the cheek muscle.

CALENDAR YEAR - January 1st to December 31st.

CALCIFICATION - the process  of hardening through the deposition of lime salts.

CALCULUS -  hard calcium like deposits which form on teeth and dentures.

CANAL - the narrow chamber inside the root of a tooth that contains nerve tissue  and blood vessels.

CANINES - See CUSPIDS; so named because the  correspond to the long teeth of a dog.

CAPITATION PLAN - a plan  whereby the dentist is contracted with the administrator to provide dental  services to persons covered under the program in return for payment on a  per-capita basis.

CARIOGENIC - or cancer-causing

CARIES - medical term for decay; caused by decalcification of the  enamel and disintegration of the dentin by acid producing bacteria.

CARIOGENIC - or decay-causing

CARRIER - the party  (usually an insurance company) that pays claims and collects premiums.

CARRYOVER - If the deductible was paid last year, the next year  (or quarter, Jan., Feb. and March) they do not have to pay the deductible again.

CAST - reproduction of the mouth in stone or plaster.


CEMENT - a dental material  used to seal inlays, onlays, and crowns; also used for pupal protection.

CEMENTUM - makes up the dull yellow outer surface of the roots.

CENTRIC OCCLUSION - the relationship of the occlusal surfaces of  one arch to those in the opposing arch at physical rest position.

CENTRIC RELATION - the relationship of the maxillary arch to the  mandibular arch when the condyle is in its most retracted position.

CERVICAL - pertaining to the neck of a tooth.

CERVIX - the neck of the tooth; the area where the crown joins the root or the  enamel joins the cementum.

CHEEK POUCH - the area of the mouth  inside the cheek.

CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC - an agent of a chemical  nature which exerts an antimicrobial effect.

CINGULUM - a raised  area on the lingual surface of anterior teeth.

CLASP - the metal  part of a partial denture and which helps to retain, support, and stabilize the  appliance.


CLEFT PALATE - an opening in the palate.

CLINICAL CROWN - that portion of  the tooth visible in the mouth, extending from the occlusal or incisal edge to  the crest of the free gingiva.

CLOSED PANEL - a plan where the  covered patient only receives benefits if the services are provided by a dentist  contracted with the plan's administrator.

COL - a "V-shaped  depression in the facial-lingual interdental papilla located cervically to the  contact area of the tooth.

COMMUNITION - crushing or grinding to  a powder.


COMPOSITE FILLING - tooth-colored restorative material. The word "composite" refers to the mixture of filler particles in a liquid resin. Commonly, the resin used is BIS-GMA (bis-gammamethylmetacrylate). Filler particles are added to alter the color and wear characteristics. Common filler particles are silica, aluminum, zinc, tin, copper and iron.

CONCAVE - curving inward away from the viewer.

CONTACT  AREA - that portion of the proximal surface of a tooth that touches the  adjacent tooth.

CONVEX - curving outward toward the viewer.

COSMETIC DENTISTRY - aesthetic improvement of the color and shape  of teeth performed by a general dentist.

CREST - a prominence or  ridge.

CROSS CONTAMINATION - Passing disease indirectly from one patient to another through the use of improper sterilization procedures.

CROWN - full coverage for a tooth (used when the tooth  cannot be restored by a filling).

CURETTAGE - the surgical  scraping of bacteria from soft tissue. This is a periodontal procedure and is  usually performed one quadrant at a time.

CUSPID - the third  tooth from the center of the mouth towards the back, also known as canines.

CUSPS - elevated points on the chewing surfaces of back teeth  (posterior teeth).

CUSTOM TRAY - an individual tray; custom made  to fit a patient's mouth.

DEBRIDEMENT - treatment of a bacterial infection by removing irritants (bacteria,  calculus) from the periodontal pocket so as to allow healing of adjacent  tissues.

DECALCIFICATION - The loss of calcium from your teeth, weakening the teeth and making them more susceptible to decay

DECIDUOUS TEETH - baby teeth; teeth that exfoliate or  shed. see PRIMARY TEETH.

DEDUCTIBLE - the amount paid by the  patient before the carrier begins benefit payments.

DEGLUTITION -  swallowing.

DEMINERALIZATION - loss of mineral from tooth enamel  just below the surface in a carious lesion; usually appearing as a white area on  the tooth surface.

DENDRITE - the process that conducts impulses  toward the cell body of a nerve.

DENTAL MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION  (D.M.O.) - a legal entity that accepts the responsibility of providing  services at a fixed price.

DENTAL RESIN - a dental material  applied to the tooth which is used in cases of severe dentinal hypersensitivity;  usually not used unless all other treatment attempts have failed.

DENTAL VARNISH - a hypersensitivity treatment which sometimes  contains sodium fluoride; applied to the tooth surface, covering the outer  surface of dentin and thus blocking transmission of stimuli to the pulp.

DENTIN - the hard, yellowish tissue underlying the enamel and  cementum; it makes up the major bulk of the tooth.

DENTINAL TUBULES - microscopic canals that run from the outside of the dentin to the nerve  inside the tooth.

DENTITION - the natural teeth as a unit.

DENTURE - a removable appliance (prosthesis) that replaces  missing teeth in either the upper or lower jaw.

DESENSITIZATION -  the blocking of painful stimuli which cause dentinal hypersensitivity.

DESICCATE - to make dry; to remove all moisture.

DESQUAMATION - a peeling of gingival tissue; in cases of  desquamative gingivitis, the tissues may appear smooth and shiny, with patches  of bright red and gray. Surface tissue may peel away, exposing a raw, bleeding,  painful surface.

DEVELOPMENTAL DEPRESSION - a concavity in a  surface that formed while the tooth was developing.

DIAGNOSIS  - the process of identifying the nature of a disorder.

DIAGNOSTIC -  procedures performed by the dentist to identify what's going on in the mouth.

DIASTEMA - a space between the teeth.

DILACERATION - an abnormal tooth that where both the crown and the root are twisted.

DIPHYODONT - having two successive sets of teeth.

DIRECT CONTAMINATION - Direct contact with impurities or germs.

DISINFECTION - A cleaning process which destroys the majority of microorganism, but not highly resistant forms such as bacterial and mycotic spores.

DISINFECTANT - A chemical agent which is applied onto inanimate surfaces to destroy germs.

DISPOSABLE MATERIALS - materials intended for one-use and discarded. (e.g.: Gloves, paper gowns, cotton rolls, etc.)

DISTAL - the surface of the tooth farthest from the midline of  the dental arch.

DIVERGENT - spread.

EDEMA -  swelling resulting from fluid accumulation in gingival tissues.

EDENTULOUS - having no teeth.

EFFERENT - the  nerves that carry motor messages away from the brain.

EMBRASURE -  the space between two teeth created by the sloping away of the mesial and distal  surfaces.

EMINENCE - a prominence.

EMPRESS - Type of porcelain crown and porcelain veneer/laminate.  The advantage Empress is that it blends very nicely with the surrounding teeth; it is very esthetic.

ENAMEL - the  hard, white shiny surface of the crown; composed of 95% calcium hydroxyapatite.

ENDODONTICS (ENDO) - the treatment of diseases or injuries that  affect the root tip or nerve of the tooth.

EROSION - The dissolution of tooth structure due to the presence of gastric juices or citrus. Erosion seldom occurs alone; it is often accompanied by attrition or abrasion (or both) to varying degrees. Acidic foods, such  as citrus fruits and juices should be avoid in patients with signs of erosion.

ERUPTION - the moving  of the tooth occlusally.

EXCLUSION - services not covered by a  dental plan.

EXFOLIATE - to shed.

EXPLORER - a  probe used to detect cavity growth.

EXTERNAL - on the outer  surface.

EXTRACTION - the removal of teeth.

EXTRAORAL - Outside the mouth.

FACIAL -  the surface next to the face; the outer surface of a tooth resting against the  cheeks or lips.

FEE SCHEDULE - a set amount paid by the insurance  company regardless of the doctor's fee.

FILTRUM - the dimple or indentation under the nose directly above the upper lip.

FISSURE - cleft-like  grooves in the chewing surface of the back teeth.

FISTULA - an  abnormal passage formed in the gum tissue through which an abscessed tooth  drains.

FLUORIDE - topical application of a gel or liquid that  prevents decay.

FLUOROSIS - discoloration of the enamel due to  excessive fluoride absorption (greater than one 1 part per million) into the  bloodstream, also called enamel mottling.

FORAMEN - an opening in  bone.

FORNEX - vault or arch shaped.

FOSSA - a  shallow depression on the lingual (tongue) surfaces of some front teeth.

FREE GINGIVA - the marginal part of the gingival (gums) that can  be deflected from the tooth surface; it forms a collar around the tooth.

FRENUM - a fold of mucous membrane that connects two parts.


FULL MOUTH X-RAYS - X-rays showing all the teeth. Includes 14 periapicals and 4 bitewings,  also known as a complete series.

FURCATION - an area where the  root divides.

FURROW - a groove.

GALVANIC  CURRENT - a current of electricity produced by chemical action between two  metals suspended in liquid.

GENDER RULE - when a child is covered  under both parent's plans, the father's plan is billed first (in cases of  divorce or separation other factors must be considered).

GENERAL  ANESTHESIA - relieves the sensation of pain.

GENERAL DENTIST - primary care provider for patients in all age groups.

GERIATRIC  DENTIST - general dentist who primarily treats senior citizens.

GINGIVA - the soft tissue surrounding teeth, also known as the  gums.

GINGIVAL CREST - the prominent edge of occlusal or incisal  gingiva.

GINGIVAL HYPERTROPHY - The abnormal enlargement of the gingiva surrounding the teeth caused by poor oral hygiene or the use of certain medications.

GINGIVECTOMY - the removal of soft tissue surrounding  the tooth; typically used in the treatment of periodontal disease.

GINGIVITIS - inflamed and swollen gum tissue most commonly caused  by plaque.  If left untreated, may lead to periodontitis.

GOLDON PROPORTION - The guidelines which dentists use in determining the most esthetic appearance of a particular tooth (teeth need to maintain a certain height to width ratio to look their best.)

GROOVE - a long, narrow depression.

GUTTA PERCHA - material used in  the filling of root canals.

HANDPIECE - the instrument used to hold and revolve burs in dental operations.

HEAT-STERILIZING - Use of an autoclave or dry-heat sterilizer to kill all potential disease-causing  agents that remain following patient treatment. Any instruments that is not heat stable and cannot tolerate high temperatures should be thoroughly cleaned and soaked in disinfectant chemicals.

HETERODONT - different types of teeth within the same dentition  (ie. incisors, canines, molars).

HISTO-DIFFERENTIATION -  development into a specialized tissue.

HISTOLOGY - the study of  tissues.

HOMODONT - the presence of only one type of tooth in the  dentition.

HYPERPLASIA - over-growth of a part; an increase in  the number of cells.

HYPERSENSITIVITY - a sharp, sudden painful  reaction in teeth when exposed to hot, cold, chemical, mechanical or osmotic  (sweet or salt) stimuli.

IDEAL  OCCLUSION - a complete harmonious relationship of the teeth and masticatory  system.

IMMEDIATE DENTURE - a complete or partial denture made  before the natural teeth are extracted.

IMPACTION - an unerupted  or partially erupted tooth that will not fully erupt into the mouth because of  an obstruction.

IMPLANT - a post that is implanted into bone. A  crown, bridge, or denture is then placed over the implant to restore function  and esthetics.

IMPRESSION TRAY - formed in the general shape of  the mouth, used for taking impressions.

INCENTIVE PROGRAM - a  dental plan where the percentage of benefits increase each year as the patient  receives regular, annual dental care (preventive treatment). If the patient  fails to go to the dentist each year, the percentage drops back to where it  started.

INCISORS - the central and lateral incisors; the first  and second teeth from the midline of the mouth.

INLAY - a gold,  porcelain, or composite custom-made filling cemented into the tooth. If it  covers the tips of the teeth, it is called an onlay.

INCISAL EDGE - the cutting edge, ridge, or surface of anterior teeth.

INSERTION - the movable end of a muscle.

INTERCUSPATION - interlocking; a cusp-to-fossa relationship of  the maxillary to mandibular teeth.

INTERPROXIMAL - the space  between two adjacent surfaces.

IINTRAORAL - Inside your mouth.

INVAGINATION - to enclose within.

INVISALIGN -  The system is a way to move teeth without the use of conventional brackets and archwires. Basically, a series of clear plastic trays are computer fabricated with each tray gradually shifting the teeth into proper alignment. The system works best for minor tooth movements.

IONTOPHOR - the process of introducing a drug through the dental  enamel by use of an electrical current; often used in the treatment of dentin  hypersensitivity.

IRRIGATION - the technique of using a solution to wash out your mouth.

JAW - a  common name for the maxilla or mandible.

LABIAL -  relating to the lip; another name for the facial surface of anterior teeth (next  to the lip).

LAMINATE VENEER - a porcelain, or composite covering  which is bonded to restore discolored, or damaged teeth.

LATERA L  - to the side.

LEAST COST ALTERNATIVE - an insurance policy  clause that allows the insuring company to pay for the least expensive  treatment.

LESION - any wound or local degeneration.

LINGUAL - the surface of a tooth nearest the tongue; relating to  the tongue.

LOBE - center of tooth formation.

LOCAL  ANESTHESIA - relieves the sensation of pain in a localized area.

MALOCCLUSION - any deviation from the ideal positioning of the teeth or jaws.

MAMELON - small elevations of enamel present on the incisors as  they erupt.

MANAGED CARE PLANS - plans that restrict the type,  level, and frequency of treatment; these plans limit access to care and control  the level of service reimbursement (ie. DMO's, Capitation plans, and Closed  Panel plans).

MANDIBLE - the lower jaw.

MARYLAND BRIDGE - A type of Bonded Bridge. Its main difference from conventional bridges is in the reduced amount of abutment preparation necessary. Only the lingual surfaces of the abutments are reduced.

MASTICATION - chewing.

MASTICATORY SYSTEM - the teeth and surrounding  structures: jaws, temporomandibular joint, muscles, lips, and tongue.

MAXILLAE - the upper jaw.

MEDIAL - relating to the  middle or medial plane.

MENTAL - relating to the chin.

MERCURY - a metal, component of amalgam fillings.

MESIAL - is the surface of the tooth nearest the midline of the  dental arch.

MICRO ABRASION - a drill-free technique using an  instrument resembling a tiny sand blaster that delivers tiny aluminum oxide  particles to the surface of teeth.

MIDLINE - imaginary line  through the middle of an object which divides it into two equal parts.

MIXED DENTITION- The developmental stage when both deciduous and permanent teeth are present.

MOLAR - the first, second and third molars; these are the sixth,  seventh and eighth teeth from the center of the mouth, respectively.

MOUTHGUARD - a soft-fitted device which protects teeth against  impact or injury.

MUCOSA - the thin, outer pink or red membrane  lining the inside of the oral cavity.

NASAL -  relating to the nose.

NEURON - a nerve cell.

NEOPLASM - a proliferation of cells interfering with surrounding tissues; refers to  cancer.

NICOTINE PATCHES - typically worn for 24 hours over several weeks, supplying a steady flow of nicotine. The main brands include: Habitrol, Nicoderm, Nicotrol and Prostep. Over the course of  treatment the amount of nicotine in the patch gradually decreases. Studies have shown that this method has approximately a 25 % success rate.

NIGHTGUARD - a removable acrylic appliance to minimize  the effects of grinding (bruxism) and TMJ associated problems.

OBLIQUE RIDGE - a linear elevation that transverses a surface.

OCCLUDE - to  bring together.

OCCLUSAL - relating to the biting surface of  teeth.

OCCLUSAL EQUILIBRATION - process of refining and  perfecting the occlusion.


OCCLUSAL PLANE - The imaginary surface on which upper and lower teeth meet.

OCCLUSAL TRAUMA - results from excessive force placed on a normal  dentition, i.e. grinding and clenching of teeth. If left uncontrolled, occlusal  trauma may result in rapid attachment loss and bone destruction.

OCCLUSION - the relationship of the teeth in a closed position in  both the maxillary and mandibular arch.

ONLAY - A laboratory  processed restoration made of metal, porcelain or acrylic that replaces one or  more of cusps of a tooth.

OPAQUING - covering the metal work of a  prosthesis with a material so that it doesn't show through.

OPEN BITE - increased distance between the two arches; space between the front upper  and lower teeth when the back teeth are touching.

ORAL CAVITY -  the mouth.

ORAL SURGERY (O.S.) - surgery of the mouth.

ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGEON - treats and surgically corrects  diseases, injuries and defects of the mouth and jaws.

ORAL  PATHOLOGIST - examines oral tissues for evidence of suspected abnormalities  such as cancer.

ORIGIN - the fixed end of a muscle.

ORTHODONTICS - a branch of dentistry dealing with irregularities  of the teeth and their correction.

ORTHODONTIST - designs and  applies corrective and supportive appliances, braces, to realign crooked teeth.

OSTEOBLASTS - Cells which aid in the growth and development of teeth and bones.

OSTEOCLASTS - Cells which help remodel bone.


PALATE - roof of the mouth.

PALATAL  SURFACE - the surface of the maxillary teeth nearest the palate.

PALMER’S NOTATION- An identification system for teeth; widely used to designate individual teeth amongst orthodontists.

PANOREX - a single, large x-ray taken outside of the mouth that  shows all the teeth on one film.

PARTIAL DENTURE - a removable  appliance that replaces some of the teeth in either the upper or lower jaw.

PASSIVE ERUPTION - describes the process by which teeth continue  to erupt into the mouth as tooth structure is lost to attrition and wear.

PATHOGENS - Disease producing organism

PATHOLOGY - The study of abnormal (diseased) tissue conditions.

PEDODONTICS (PEDO) - the treatment of children's teeth.

PELLICLE - the first step in plaque formation; a clear, thin  covering containing proteins and lipids (fats) found in saliva. It is formed  within seconds after a tooth surface is cleaned.

PERIAPICAL - an  x-ray that shows the whole tooth, also known as a single film or P.A.

PERIAPICAL ABSCESS - infection of the pulp of the tooth and  tissues surrounding the base of the tooth.

PERICORONITIS -  infection of the tissue overlying a partially erupted tooth. Treatment involves  keeping this tissue clean and free of bacteria.

PERIODONTAL CHARTING - measures the pocket depth resulting from attachment loss between the gums  and teeth.

PERIODONTAL LIGAMENT - the fibers which suspend the  tooth in the bony socket; it is attached at one end to the cementum, and at the  other end to the alveolar bone of the socket.

PERIODONTAL MAINTENANCE - cleaning of the teeth following periodontal treatment, includes perio  charting.

PERIODONTAL POCKET - the pocket that forms when the  gums lose attachment from the teeth.

PERIODONTAL PROBE - a dental  instrument used to measure pocket depth.

PERIODONTAL PROPHY - see  Periodontal Maintenance.

PERIODONTAL RECALL - see  Periodontal Maintenance.

PERIODONTICS (PERIO) - the treatment of diseases of  the gum.

PERIODONTIST - diagnoses and treats diseases of the  tissues supporting and surrounding the teeth, especially periodontal, gum,  disease

PERIODONTITIS - a form of periodontal disease affecting  adults resulting in destruction of alveolar bone.

PERIODONTIUM -  the structures that surround and support the teeth.


PERMANENT TEETH - the teeth  that replace the deciduous or primary teeth.

PHONETICS -  production of sounds.

PIT - a pinpoint depression in the occlusal  surface od a tooth.

PLAQUE - a sticky film that accumulated on  teeth.

PLASTER OF PARIS - gypsum, used to make models of teeth.

POLISHING - a dental procedure that removes stain, plaque and  acquired pellicle by using an abrasive polishing paste in a rubber cup attached  to a slow-speed handpiece.

POLYPHYODONT - possessing several sets  of teeth during a lifespan.

PONTIC - the component of a bridge  that replaces the missing teeth.

PORCELAIN - a tooth-colored  sand like material; much like enamel in appearance.

PORCELAIN VENEER - ultra-thin shells of ceramic material bonded to the front of the tooth.

POSTERIOR TEETH - the back teeth (Bicuspids and molars).

POSTPALATAL SEAL - an elevation of material on the back (tissue  side) of a denture; for the purpose of sealing the denture.


PREDETERMINATION - the  doctor notifies the insurance company beforehand of the intended treatment and  the insurance company estimates the benefits that will be paid.Â

PREFERRED PROVIDER ORGANIZATION (PPO) - A plan where the patient  can go to any dentist they choose, or they can choose a preferred dentist and  receive discounted fees. These plans are listed on our system as Preferred and  Non Preferred.

PREMOLARS - two-cusped teeth immediately in front  of molars.

PREVENTIVE - a procedure performed to aid in  preventing decay and/ or gum disease.

PRIMARY PLAN - when a  patient is covered by two insurance plans, the plan that is billed first is the  primary plan.

PRIMARY TEETH - the baby teeth, also known as the  primary dentition.

PRIMATE SPACING - the normal spacing between  primary anterior teeth.

PROCERA - Procera is a type of Porcelain Crown.  They are one of the strongest all-porcelain crowns available. Procera’s framework is computer generated; porcelain is then added to the structure.


PROPHYLAXIS - a general meaning to clean the teeth, also known as  a prophy.

PROSTHETICS - a fixed or removable appliance used to  replace missing teeth (ie. bridges, partials, and dentures).

PROSTHODONTIST - constructs artificial appliances designed to  restore and maintain oral function by replacing missing teeth and other oral  structures such as dentures

PROXIMAL - nearest the point of  attachment; the mesial or distal surface of the tooth.

PROXIMAL  SURFACE - the surface of the tooth adjacent to the next tooth; refers to the  mesial and distal surfaces.

PUBLIC HEALTH DENTIST - concerned  with the dental health needs of entire communities, and can design and  administer large-scale prevention and dental care programs by compiling and  analyzing statistics

PULP CANAL - the portion of the pulp in the  root.

PULP CHAMBER - the portion of the pulp in the crown of the  tooth.

PULP HORN - the portion of the pulp chamber that extends  towards the cusp.

PULP TISSUE - the soft (not calcified) tissue  in the pulp chamber; composed of blood vessels and nerves.

QUADRANT -  denotes one of four equal sections in the mouth. The upper right, upper left,  lower right or the lower left.

RADIOGRAPHIC - referring to x-rays.

RADIOSURGERY - surgical technique that  uses radio waves to produce a pressureless, bloodless incision.

RAPHE - a union of soft tissue.


REBASE - process where only the tissue surface of a denture is  replaced by new material.

RELATIVE VALUE SCHEDULE (RVS) -  procedures are given a point value based upon their degree of difficulty. Each  procedure is also assigned a given a dollar amount. The dollar amount is then  multiplied by the point value to determine what the insurance company will pay.


RESORB - to  dissolve into the tissue.

RESTORATIONS - any replacement for lost  tooth structure or teeth (ie. bridges, fillings, crowns and implants).

RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY - process of restoring missing, damaged or  diseased teeth to normal form and function.

RETAINER - a  removable appliance used to maintain teeth in a given position (usually worn at  night).

RIDGE - a linear elevation.

ROOT CANAL THERAPY  (RCT) - procedure used to save an abscessed tooth in which the pulp chamber  is cleaned out, disinfected, and filled with a permanent filling.

ROOT PLANING - the removal of hard deposits from the root surface  below the gumline.

ROOT TRUNK - that portion of the root that is  not bifurcated or trifurcated.

RUGAE - elevated folds or wrinkles  of soft tissue in the front part of the palate.


SAGITTAL PLANE - An imaginary longitudinal vertical plane that divides the mouth into two halves (left and right.)

SCALING -  scraping of the tooth above the gums.

SEALANTS - the application  of a clear resin over the biting surfaces of teeth to prevent decay.

SECONDARY PLAN - when a patient is insured by two plans, the plan  that is billed second is the secondary plan.

SIGNATURE ON FILE -  the insured person signs a form stating that the payments made by the carrier go  to the dentist. This form expires 1 year from the date it is signed.


SLOUGHING - a  condition in which the gingival tissue deadens and peels away from the living  tissue.

SOCKET - a cavity in the bone, see ALVEOLUS.

SOFT PALATE - the back 1/3 of the roof of the mouth composed of  soft tissue.

SOMATIC - nerves that supply muscles.

SONICARE - electric toothbrush.  Vibrates at over 31,000 brush strokes per minute.  Most models offer a 3 - minute timer to let you know when you’re done.

SPACE MAINTAINERr - A dental appliance used to maintain space in the mouth.


STAIN, EXTRINSIC - stain  located on the outside of the tooth surface originating from external substances  such as tobacco, coffee, tea or food; usually removed by polishing the teeth  with an abrasive prophylaxis paste.

STAIN, INTRINSIC - stain  originating from the ingestion of certain materials or chemical substances  during tooth development, or from the presence of caries. This stain is  permanent and cannot be removed.

SUBMUCOSA - the layer of tissue  under the mucous membrane.

SUCCEDANEOUS - a tooth that replaces  or succeeds another.

SULCUS - a broad depression on the chewing  surfaces of your back teeth.

SUPERGINGIVAL - the area above the  gingival margin.

SUPERNUMERARY TEETH - Extra teeth, in addition to the development of the normal 32.

SURGICAL TEMPLATE - a clear tray used in immediate denture  fabrication.

SUTURE - a joining of two bones, also stitxhes.


TEETHING - baby teeth pushing through gums.

TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT (TMJ) - temporo (temporal bone),  mandibular (lower jaw). This is the connecting hinge between the lower jaw and  base of the skull. Also known as T.M.J.. T.M.J. treatment is sometimes paid  under medical.

TERMINAL MESIAL STEP - the position of a vertical  plane along the distal surfaces when the deciduous second molars are in Class I  position.

TERMINAL PLANE - the distal surfaces of the maxillary  and mandibular deciduous second molars that are on the same line or plane.


TMD -  temporomandibular disorder; a problem with the joint that connects the lower jaw  with the skull. Typically associated with a pop and pain in the joint.

TOPICAL - applied directly to an infected area for treatment.

TRANSVERSE RIDGE - a linear elevation that crosses a surface  (usually the occlusal surface).

TRIANGULAR RIDGE - a linear  elevation that forms a triangle.

TRIFURCATION - forked or divided  into three parts.

TUBERCLE - a small, rounded projection.

TUBEROSITY - a large, rounded projection.

ULTRASONIC - the conversion of high frequency electrical current into mechanical  vibrations.

UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS - These precautions require all dental staff involved in patient care to use appropriate protective wear, such as gloves, masks and eyewear. After each patient visit, the gloves must be discarded, hands washed and a new pair of gloves donned for the next patient. These precautions are considered universal because they are used for each and every patient to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases.

USUAL, CUSTOMARY AND REASONABLE (UCR) - the doctor's  fee is considered usual, customary, and reasonable if it meets the following  requirements: 1. Usual: the doctor's usual fee is charged; 2. Customary: if the  doctor's fee falls in the same range as other dentists in the area; 3.  Reasonable: the doctor's modified fee is justified because of special  circumstances.

VENTRAL -  the underside, used when speaking of the tongue; thus the ventral surface of the  tongue is the underside of the tongue.


VIRGIN TEETH - teeth that are free from decay or restorations.

WAIVER OF  DEDUCTIBLE - under some policies certain procedures are excluded from the  deductible.

WISDOM TOOTH - the third molar; the eighth tooth from  the center of mouth.

XEROSTOMIA - dryness of the mouth.

We're out participating at educational conventions and seminars throughout the year and we'd like to use this blog as a dental resource for our community of Phoenix, AZ (and beyond). Of course, we welcome you to join the conversation. Suggest topics and ask those burning questions about dentistry that keep you up at night. Please feel free to contact me through the Morse Family Dental  website. Remember, the advice provided here is intended to aid you in understanding some of the treatment options available. It is important to note that before beginning any course of treatment you should always see your dentist. 

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